Meet Cindy Reyes



Cindy Reyes | FastTrack Employee Spotlight

Cindy Reyes


Meet Cindy – a key member of the Claims Administrative Services (CAS) Team for the past year. When she’s not baking cheesecake or streaming the latest Hollywood release, she can be found making sure forms and documents for every claim FastTrack manages are sent out quickly and received back in the office appropriately.

What is your current position with FastTrack? How long have you been in it?

My current position at FastTrack is Administrative Services Mail Clerk. I have had this position a little over one year.

Do you work with any specific customers?

I work with all FastTrack’s customers  since I’m responsible for making sure that each carrier gets printed and mailed out every single day.

How has FastTrack helped your personal and professional development?

Working at FastTrack has helped me become more independent and learn to not second-guess myself. I’ve also learned how to manage myself better and figure out what methods work best for me when finishing a task. When I first started, I was only focused on the mail print and logging reports for the beginning and the end of the day. As my experience has grown, I’ve gotten a chance to expand my administrative work, and I look forward to expanding and learning more within my career.

What is something you love about working at FastTrack?

FastTrack has a family atmosphere. When I started, everyone was welcoming and helpful to me as I was adjusting to my new position. The CAS Team showed me the ropes and gave me a lot of insights and tips on how to improve my daily tasks when I started. I appreciated that very much because I feel that constrictive criticism helps you work better and also grow as well. If you have questions that you’re not sure of, you can never go wrong by asking because someone will always be there. It makes me feel comfortable that I can talk with my coworkers.

Do you have any accomplishments within the organization you’re particularly proud of?

When the pandemic started last year, I ended up taking on extra responsibilities due to the work from home situation.  This has included me volunteering to pick up mail on some Saturdays to ensure we can handle our clients mail timely when the Post Office has been delayed in their mail delivery.  I’m proud that—even though adjustments had to be made when I had only been with the company a few months—I have still been able to finish my tasks every day.

What is your favorite book, TV show, movie, or podcast?

My favorite movies: A Walk to Remember and Armageddon.

My favorite books: The Beautiful Disaster series by Jamie McGuire.

My favorite shows: Law and Order: SVU and Shark Tank.

Do you have any pets?

I have 2 dogs! I have a 3-year-old Maltese named Milly and 1-year-old Shih Tzu named Luna.

What are your favorite hobbies and interests?

I like to work out, go for walks with my dogs, read, watercolor paint, go see concerts, and watch good crime/mystery shows.

What type of activities are you mostly likely to be up to on the weekends?

On the weekends you can catch me spending time with family and friends, relaxing at home watching a movie or TV show, going out to dinner, or exploring a new place.

Cindy Reyes | FastTrack Employee Spotlight

What is your favorite vacation destination? What’s one you haven’t visited yet but would like to in the future?

So far it would be Mexico. I also have the privilege of my family living in Dominican Republic, so I’ve been able to see different areas there within the years of visiting, but would still like to see more. I would love to visit all of Europe, and my first stop would be Italy. After that, the rest of the world! I would also like to visit other places within the US since I have only been to a few.

What person would you most like to switch places with for a day?

Probably my dogs. They are adorable, cute, and everyone wants to hold them. They get to sleep and be cuddled throughout the day. They have it so easy at times. They don’t care how it is outside, they want to be out in the fresh air and just run and play. Sometimes I feel that they are too smart for their own good and know too much for being dogs.

What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

I would treat my family and friends to vacation, buy a new home for my parents and myself, split some money with my parents, and give the remaining to a charity of my choosing.

What is your favorite 21st century innovation?

I think I’m going to go with online streaming because I enjoy watching TV shows and movies. I remember when I was growing up, the only options to watch movies or shows was on TV, VHS tapes, or going to Blockbuster to rent the latest big movie release (but they would sometimes be out because everyone else was doing the same thing). Eventually, DVDs eliminated rewinding VHS tapes and worrying about tangles. Now that has all changed, and you can find anything to watch through streaming online from any device you want, including right to TV!

What is something you loved doing as a kid? Do you still do it now?

I used to enjoy rollerblading. When the weather was nice, my friends and I would rollerblade around the block after finishing up some homework or on the weekends. I would even stay after school when the there was a day the gym teacher would let us rollerblade in the gym; I would be there as much as I could. Once I moved from the town where I grew up, I ended up stopping (though I can’t remember why I stopped or lost interest). I’m not sure if would still be good at it since it’s been so long.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I make an an amazing cheesecake cookie cup. Chocolate chip cookie crust with cheesecake on top (and usually cherries or any other desired topping to finish it off).

Who is one of your personal heroes?

One of my personal heroes would probably be my mom. When times get hard and I need advice, she’s the one I know I can run to. She’s been there for me with everything in life, and at times I don’t know what I would do without her. She’s honestly my best friend, and people assume at times that we’re sisters since we look so alike.

What is your motto for life?

“Life can be tough, but I’m tougher!” At times we feel that we are down in the dumps and that we can never get up, but—once you realize how to tackle the situation—life is a breeze and you can fight through it without giving up.

What are your top 3 most overused words or phrases?

“Cool beans,” “Awesome sauce,” and “Flippity flop flop” (usually I use this one when things go slightly wrong).

What is a surprising fact about yourself?

I am scared of heights and birds.

If there was a movie about your life made, who would you want the narrator to be?

Jamie Lee Curtis.



Connect with Cindy on LinkedIn

About FastTrack

FastTrack – a Kamine Technology Group (KTG) division – is a full-service intelligent technology solutions provider in the Life & Disability insurance vertical. Leading the way for more than 10+ years, FastTrack boasts a growing client portfolio consisting of a large ratio of top-tier insurers in both the Group and Individual marketplace in the USA and Canada. Our made-for-insurance intelligent technology, enhanced by decades of on-the-job insurance industry expertise and AI, digitizes & automates up to 90% of the claims journey, from claim intake to adjudication, resulting in lightning-fast claim outcomes that typically improve Claim Handle Time by 30%-40%. FastTrack helps insurers free up valuable human resources to focus on mission-critical tasks, such as improving the customer experience and making informed claim decisions. Furthermore, FastTrack’s suite of technology solutions and services empowers insurers to triage claims, understand risk management options, reduce manual administration, save on interest expenses, create straight-through processing opportunities, leverage comprehensive data via online Claimant, Beneficiaries, Employers, Agents/Brokers portals, and create digital claimant profiles to achieve informed, consistent, repeatable, defensible, and objective claim decisions.


1545 US Highway 206
Suite 200
Bedminster, NJ 07921





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