Automate the Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA) and the Labor Market Survey (LMS) processes with FastTrack's Employability Assessment Verification Services
Employability Assessment Verification Tools (EAV)
Automation Technology Designed to Get Your Claimants Back To Work – Fast!
Reduce Operational Risk while Improving Staff Productivity.
FastTrack’s Employability Assessment Verification (EAV) Tool is designed to automate the Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA) and the Labor Market Survey (LMS) process. The claimant’s Restrictions & Limitations (R&L’s) and Training, Education and Experience (TE&E) information is leveraged to systematically identify occupations that the claimant is capable of performing. The EAV service further refines the occupations identified to ensure the carrier’s desired ‘gainful wage’ is considered as well as identification of only those occupations that exist within the carriers defined ‘labor market’ for the claimant.FastTrack’s EAV tool is available to insurers to be used on their claims professionals’ desktops. Insurers may also outsource the EAV process entirely to FastTrack, in which case each EAV report is produced and reviewed with recommendations provided by a credentialed, experienced FastTrack Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist. EAV services are currently being used by several major insurers to deliver key information to their Vocational Rehabilitation and medical professionals, providing enhanced objectivity, consistency, repeatability, and defensibility for claims operations.To learn more about our unique technology, click here:Robotics RPA's | Digital Process Automation | Automated Occupational Matching
The Advantages
For The Carrier:
- Provides enhanced staff productivity by combining two individual processes (TSA and LMS) into one standardized, automated, consistent, repeatable and comprehensive best practice process
- 4% of EAV’s are providing occupational matches that demonstrate capacity for “any occ” functional capacity at the Change of Definition
- Insurers utilizing the EAV tool are experiencing a return of $12.62 for every $1.00 invested through enhanced return-to-work and risk management outcomes
For The Clinical/Medical Specialist:
- Provides a broader consideration of occupations (up to 13,000) which can be performed by the claimant within their current R&L’s, gainful wage and labor market
- Creates a business process that ensures consistency in outcomes in occupational identification
- Reduces operational risk through producing objective and legally defensible occupational identification
Additional Automated Solutions & Services for the Life and Disability Insurance Vertical

Ready To Learn More?
Contact us to schedule an information session and demo to learn how FastTrack’s Suite of Automation Tools can dramatically improve your Life & Disability Claims Best Practices.
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