Meet Chuck Angiolillo



Chuck Angiolillo | FastTrack Employee Spotlight

Chuck Angiolillo

Director of Risk Management Strategic Partnerships

Meet Chuck – … a fantastic member of FastTrack’s business development team. Hired in March 2021, Chuck gets the privilege of interacting with our carrier-clients and prospects, forging new partnerships along the way. 🚀 When not building connections in the claims industry, Chuck can usually be found on the sidelines, cheering on his sons at their various sporting events. Keep reading to get to know more about Chuck! 😊

What is your current position with FastTrack?

I am Director of Risk Management Strategic Partnerships. I have been part of the FastTrack team since March of 2021!

What is your typical workday like?

As part of FastTrack’s business development team, I have some amazing opportunities to interact with different insurance carriers. Sometimes those interactions happen in person, sometimes remotely, and other times at work related events or conferences.

It’s an exciting time in our industry as carriers evolve, create, and execute their digital transformation strategies and one of the things I love most about my role is learning from interactions. Especially when it comes to starting to understand a carrier’s processes, their challenges, gaps, and strategies, and then beginning to educate them on our solutions, services, and product offerings.

A common goal we have during our discussions is searching for opportunities for FastTrack to bring value to their organizations, staff, agents, as well as their claimants and beneficiaries.

How has FastTrack helped your personal and professional development?

My colleagues are a big part of how FastTrack has helped me develop. I am fortunate to work closely with others that bring a wealth of industry experience and diverse backgrounds to our company. When I joined FastTrack, I knew I was going to learn and have an opportunity to develop, but I can’t believe how much I have learned from them in such a short period of time. ✅

In addition to learning from others while we go about our day to day, FastTrack has also afforded me multiple opportunities outside of our organization to continue with development in different ways. I’ve been able to take part in different training programs, webinars, as well as conferences outside of the typical ones I have attended in the past. These opportunities have all benefited me in some way personally and professionally. 😊

What is something you love about working for FastTrack?

This one is simple: The family-like atmosphere is something I really enjoy here!

What is your favorite book, movie, or show?

Wow, I’m going pretty far back here, but Seinfeld is probably my all-time favorite show. I thought it was hilarious and still do. I feel like there are multiple times a day that I say to myself, what I’m experiencing right now could have been a Seinfeld episode! More recently, I really enjoyed Breaking Bad and Ozark on Netflix.

For books, a recent one I read was Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven. Some good life lessons in that one! 💯

Chuck Angiolillo | FastTrack Employee Spotlight

Do you have any hobbies or special interests?

I’m a BIG sports fan ✨. I enjoy and could watch almost any sport at any time. My sons are all active in sports, so they also make it easy for me to catch a practice or a game. I also like to golf 🏌️, and I practice Krav Maga a couple times a week (which is a martial arts and self-defense training).

What type of activities are you most likely to be up to on the weekends?

On most weekends, our family keeps very busy with my sons’ sports activities. Those could be practices, games, tournaments, or any combination of those.

If we get a sports-free weekend, we enjoy visiting and spending time in other parts of New England like at the beach in Maine or the lakes in New Hampshire. And, if we’re home, you can usually find me outside around the house. I really enjoy landscaping and mowing the lawn during the nicer months.

What is your favorite vacation destination?

Locally, my favorite is our family vacations to Cape Cod in the summer 🌅. If we’re thinking a little further away, it has to be Bermuda 🏝. I’ve loved spending time there. Their beaches are beautiful, and it is a very easy island to travel to and from.

The Turks and Caicos Islands are up next. Hoping to visit very soon!

What is your favorite 21st century innovation?

Sounds funny, but I’d probably go with the GPS navigation that we use to get around nowadays. Although I do enjoy looking at maps 🗺, and sometimes I miss the old paper ones.

What is something you loved doing as a kid? Do you still do it now?

This is a tough one. I’d say rollerblading and playing street hockey 🏒 with my buddies in town. We had lots of fun with that. And no one wants to see me on any kind of rollerblade or skate today! 😆

What is your motto for life?

I feel like I’ve learned and lived by a good one over the years: You get back what you give! 😎

What are your top three most overused words or phrases?

Ha, this is funny! I’d probably say, “Ya know…”, “Really?”, and “Solid!” 😆

Do you have any nicknames?

Yes. My given name is Charles, but most people call me Chuck. And, a few others have called me Charlie over the years.


Connect with Chuck on LinkedIn

About FastTrack

FastTrack – a Kamine Technology Group (KTG) division – is a full-service intelligent technology solutions provider in the Life & Disability insurance vertical. Leading the way for more than 10+ years, FastTrack boasts a growing client portfolio consisting of a large ratio of top-tier insurers in both the Group and Individual marketplace in the USA and Canada. Our made-for-insurance intelligent technology, enhanced by decades of on-the-job insurance industry expertise and AI, digitizes & automates up to 90% of the claims journey, from claim intake to adjudication, resulting in lightning-fast claim outcomes that typically improve Claim Handle Time by 30%-40%. FastTrack helps insurers free up valuable human resources to focus on mission-critical tasks, such as improving the customer experience and making informed claim decisions. Furthermore, FastTrack’s suite of technology solutions and services empowers insurers to triage claims, understand risk management options, reduce manual administration, save on interest expenses, create straight-through processing opportunities, leverage comprehensive data via online Claimant, Beneficiaries, Employers, Agents/Brokers portals, and create digital claimant profiles to achieve informed, consistent, repeatable, defensible, and objective claim decisions.


1545 US Highway 206
Suite 100
Bedminster, NJ 07921





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